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The Digital Mailroom: How It Works & Why You Need It | New England Copy Specialists Skip to main content
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The Digital Mailroom: How It Works & Why You Need It

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The Digital Mailroom: How It Works & Why You Need It

June 04, 2020  |  NECS

How do you handle physical mail in a global pandemic? The short answer is, you don’t. Incoming paper mail cannot be safely and efficiently passed from person to person (whether at home, in the office, or both) as it is processed, filed, stored and accessed. Automated digital processes are an essential piece of business operations today, and the Digital Mailroom is a great place to start.

Here’s how it works.

The Digital Mailroom by ScanOptics has a 4-phase approach for handling all incoming paper-based communications. Its phases include:

  1. Processing
  2. Digitizing
  3. Access
  4. Storage

When paper mail is delivered to a supported location or, in some cases, picked up, it follows this path:

ScanOptics Digital Mailroom process diagram

Phase 1: Processing

Mail is either delivered directly to a secure ScanOptics processing center, redirected to a monitored USPS Post Office Box, or picked up at your location. When received, it is immediately sorted by type and date, and priority is given to First Class mail containing checks and/or high-value originals.

Phase 2: Digitizing

Relevant data and classifications are recognized and extracted as the mail is scanned. There are built-in quality assurance standards and inventory controls to ensure each document is processed to your exact specifications.  

Phase 3: Access

When digitization is complete, text-searchable mail is routed and delivered via VPN, SFTP, or custom API, with established access and permissions in place. The Digital Mailroom also integrates with your existing software, systems and workflows for end-to-end optimization.  

Phase 4: Storage

Your mail is securely managed and hosted by ScanOptics’ cloud storage system. You can continue to store your physical mail for up to 30 days at no additional charge. High-value originals are returned according to a delivery schedule and all other mail is set for destruction based on your requirements.

The Digital Mailroom can also provide services such as:

  • Check processing
  • Fax/electronic processing
  • Printing/outbound mail

If you’d like to learn more about the Digital Mailroom or how to digitize any of your other processes, please contact us today.



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